Version: DJ 24.158 v12 - effective from 06/02/25

The present terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions of Sale") define the relationship between the Société des Téléphériques de la Grande Motte (hereinafter referred to as "STGM"), which operates the ski lifts of the Tignes ski area, and any consumer (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") who :
- Purchases a ski pass from the STGM (hereinafter referred to as the "Ski Pass"), allowing for the use of one or several ski lifts operated by the STGM, or

- Orders an activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Activity") sold by the STGM, or

- Subscribes to insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "Insurance") proposed by the STGM and associated with a Ski Pass.

When purchasing a Ski Pass, ordering an Activity or subscribing to Insurance, the Client accepts without reservation these Terms and Conditions of Sale.


The STGM is a public limited company under French law with a capital of €3,240,000.00, registered with the Chambéry Trade and Companies Register under the number 076 920 024, and whose intra-community VAT number is FR 91 076 920 024.

Its contact details are as follows :

- Registered office address: 665 avenue de Grande Motte, Le Val Claret, 73320 Tignes, France

- Telephone number: +33 (0)4 79 06 60 00

- E-mail address:

The STGM is insured by Allianz IARD (1 cours Michelet, CS 30051, 92076 Paris La Défense Cedex, France).

The STGM is registered as an authorised insurance representative under the Orias number 17007382.


The list of the Ski Passes, Activities and Insurance, along with their characteristics and acquisition conditions are available at the points of sale of the STGM (hereinafter referred to as the "Points of Sale"), in the vicinity or on the kiosks operated by the STGM (hereinafter referred to as the "Kiosks"), on the website at (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"). The characteristics of the Insurance can also be found on the insurance company’s website at

The Ski Passes, the Activities and the Insurance are only valid for all or part of the season for which they were ordered. The “opening” period, the avant-première period and the winter are considered to constitute a single season. The dates of each period are indicated on the STGM price lists.

Unless otherwise stated, the Ski Passes with a validity period of longer than one day are valid for consecutive days.

The Activities can only be ordered for a specific date. If participation in an Activity requires access to a ski lift operated by the STGM, the Client must ensure that he is in possession of a Ski Pass allowing for such access and, if necessary, must purchase this Ski Pass in addition to the payment of the price of the Activity.

The Insurance is only offered as a supplement to the Ski Passes . The Client may subscribe to Insurance at the same time as purchasing a Ski Pass or at any other moment during the validity period of the Ski Pass. In the event of subscription after purchasing a Ski Pass, it can only be subscribed to at the Points of Sale. It is therefore not possible to subscribe to Insurance on the Website or a Kiosk after purchasing the Ski Pass. Furthermore, the insurance coverage shall only take effect from the date of subscription and will not be applied retroactively.


The Ski Passes can be purchased at the Points of Sale and, for selected passes, on the Website and on the Kiosks.

The Activities can be ordered at the Points of Sale or on the Kiosks. The "sledge" Activity can be ordered on the Website, at a Point of Sale and on the Kiosk located at the cabin of the "sledge" Activity. If an access ticket for the "terrace" Activity is purchased from one of the Kiosks located near the Grande Motte Point of Sale or at the arrival point of the funicular, this access ticket must be purchased in combination with a Ski Pass; it cannot be purchased as a stand-alone ticket.

The Insurance can be subscribed to at the Points of Sale, on the Website and on the Kiosks.

Certain offers may be presented exclusively at the Points of Sale, on the Website or on the Kiosks.


The Client may not purchase more than seven Ski Passes per order on the Website or on a Kiosk.

When placing an order on the Website or on a Kiosk the Client :

  1. Selects the Ski Pass(es) and, if applicable, any Insurance he wishes to order.

  2. Verifies his order, modifies it if necessary, then validates it.

  3. Creates a personal account if he does not already have one.

  4. Enters his login details to access his personal account.

  5. Chooses the method of issuance of the Ski Passes.

  6. Accepts the Terms and Conditions of Sale and the terms and conditions of use of the Ski Passes.

  7. Pays for his order.

If an order placed on the Website is not finalised within thirty minutes of the product being displayed, the selected products are automatically removed from the Client's shopping basket. However, the products will continue to appear in the shopping basket, despite their removal, as long as the Client does not refresh the Website page. STGM therefore guarantees neither the availability nor the price of the products displayed in the shopping basket beyond the abovementioned timeframe.
The sale is concluded on the condition of payment of the full amount at the time the order is placed or, if the Client has opted for payment in several instalments, payment of the first instalment. In addition, if an offer of Ski Passes or access tickets to an Activity is valid until a specific date and time, the sale is concluded on the condition of payment being finalised no later than the specific date and time.


In the event the Client purchases a Ski Pass valid for every day of the season, the Client must provide a photograph of the user of this Ski Pass. The photograph must be a recent identity photograph, taken from the front, without tinted glasses or head covering.


The prices of the Ski Passes, the Activities and the Insurance are available at the Points of Sale, on the Website and on the Kiosks.

The prices are expressed in euros and are inclusive of all taxes. They may be modified during the season in the event of a variation in these taxes.

Unless otherwise stated, the price of an Activity does not include the price of the necessary Ski Pass, if applicable, to participate in this Activity.

The price reductions are applied based on the public price list. They cannot be combined with any other price reduction.

If the Client wishes to benefit from a reduced rate or a free ski pass or ticket, when purchasing the Ski Pass or ordering the Activity at the Points of Sale, he must present an original document certifying that the user of the Ski Pass or the person registered for the Activity meets the requirements to benefit from this reduced rate or free pass or ticket on the date the Ski Pass comes into force or at the beginning of the Activity. The user or registered person must be able to present this document at all times during the period of validity of the Ski Pass or during the Activity, regardless of whether the Ski Pass was purchased or the Activity was paid for at the Points of Sale, on the Website or on the Kiosks.

No price reduction or free ski pass or ticket shall be granted after the purchase of a Ski Pass or the payment of the price of an Activity.

Unless otherwise stated, the price of the Activities includes the use of the equipment necessary to participate in these Activities.


7.1. Currency

The payment of the Ski Passes, the Activities and the Insurance must be made in euros. Any bank fees and foreign exchange charges shall be payable by the Client.
As an exception, at the Points of Sale and on the Website, the Client may pay in a currency other than euros by using the DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) system.

7.2 Methods of payment

The methods of payment accepted are:

- At the Points of Sale: bank cards (French Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard, American Express), cash within the legal limits, printed holiday vouchers (“Classic” ANCV holiday vouchers).

- On the Website: bank cards (French Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard, American Express), digital ANCV

holiday vouchers (Connect holiday vouchers), Google Pay, Apple Pay.

- On the Kiosks: bank cards (French Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard) Google Pay, Apple Pay.

“Contactless" payment is possible at the Points of Sale and on the Kiosks.

Payment using several means of payment is only possible for purchases made at the Points of Sale or on the Website.

7.3 Payment in several instalments

All orders are payable in full as soon as the order is placed.

The Client may, however, pay for his order with the help of a credit, in three or four instalments, at no additional cost, if the following conditions are met :

- The Ski Passes or the access tickets to an Activity purchased are valid from one day of the avant- première period or the winter period.

- The total amount of his order is equal to or greater than €250 including all taxes.

- The total amount of his order is less than or equal to €5,000 including all taxes.

- He places his order on the Website.

- He pays for the full amount of his order using a bank card valid until the last debit date of the payment of his order and the card is issued by a banking institution established in one of the following European Union countries: France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal.

- He has a mobile phone number from one of the countries listed above.

If the Client chooses to pay in three instalments, he is debited one third of the price of the order at the time of this order. The second payment of one third of the price is debited one month later using the bank card number provided by the Client at the time of his order. The remaining balance is debited one month after the second payment from this same bank card.

If the Client chooses to pay in four instalments, he is debited one quarter of the price of the order at the time of this order. The second payment of a quarter of the price is debited one month later using the bank card number provided by the Client at the time of his order. The third payment of a quarter of the price is debited one month after the second debit from the same bank card. The remaining balance is debited one month after the third payment from the same bank card.

To benefit from the payment in several instalments, the Client must choose the corresponding option during the ordering process and accept the general terms and conditions of the provision of services of the company Alma. The payment is carried out via the secure Alma platform.

The Client is responsible for ensuring that the amount of each scheduled debit is lower than the maximum amount authorised by his banking establishment.

The Client may revoke the payment option provided for in this article under the conditions stipulated in Article 13. In this case, he must pay for his order in full.

If an order is cancelled in compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Sale, use of the payment option provided for in the present article will be cancelled and the amount paid by the Client will be refunded.

The company Alma reserves the right to refuse to grant the Client the payment option provided for in the present article. In this case, the Client must pay for his order in full.


A proof of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "Proof of Order") is issued to the Client by e-mail when purchasing one or several Ski Passes or upon paying the price of one Activity or several Activities.

For a purchase on the Website, the Proof of Order is the confirmation e-mail of the order.

In the event of a purchase at a Point of Sale, the Client can refuse to have the Proof of Order sent by e-mail. In this case, a printed Proof of Order will be given to him.

In the event of a purchase on a Kiosk, the Client has the choice between receiving the order confirmation message by e-mail, which constitutes the Proof of Order, or obtaining a Proof of Order issued by the Kiosk.

This Proof of Order will be necessary for the Client in the event of an inspection, in order to make a request for compensation or replacement, for example. The Client is therefore asked to retain it throughout the entire period of validity of the corresponding Ski Pass or Activity, or, if a claim for compensation is addressed to the STGM, until the end of the processing of his request.


Each Ski Pass is issued in the form of a magnetic card.

This card is provided free of charge upon the purchase of a Ski Pass.

If the Client has purchased a Ski Pass or an access ticket to an Activity at a Point of Sale, the card is issued immediately at the Point of Sale The issue of a Pass valid every day of the season for a person aged under 8 or 75 and over is subject to the payment of a €10 handling fee.

For a Ski Pass purchased on the Website (except in the case of recharging as stipulated in Article 10):

- If the Ski Pass is valid every day of the season, the Client must pick up the card from a Point of Sale, a minimum of seventy-two hours after confirmation of his order. In order to do so, he must present the confirmation of his order and a form of identification.

- If the Ski Pass is valid for part of the season, the Client must pick up this card from a Kiosk (using the QR code contained in the confirmation e-mail of his order) or from a Point of Sale (using the order number indicated in the confirmation e-mail of his order).

If the Client has purchased a Ski Pass on a Kiosk, the card will be issued to him immediately by this Kiosk.

The Client is advised to verify, as soon as the Ski Pass or access ticket to an Activity is issued, that the ski pass or ticket corresponds to his order.


The magnetic card on which a Ski Pass is encoded can be recharged once or several times. A new Ski Pass can thus be encoded on this card.

Recharging can be carried out at the Points of Sale, on the Website or on the Kiosks.


The Client may obtain the modification or cancellation of an order free of charge if the following conditions are met :

- The order was placed on the Website.

- In the event of a request for modification, the modification relates exclusively to a change in the date of validity of the Ski Pass purchased, or a modification of the card on which the Ski Pass is encoded. The change of validity date must not lead to a modification of the duration of validity of the Ski Pass, or to the deferment of the validity of the Ski Pass to another season other than that for which the initial Ski Pass was purchased.

- The request for modification or cancellation must be received by the STGM, at the latest, the day before the first day of the validity of the Ski Pass.

- The Ski Pass has not been used, even partially, including after sending the request for modification or cancellation.

For a modification, the Client must send his request by e-mail to the following address: In his e-mail, the Client must mention the reference number of his order, indicated in the message of confirmation of his order he received by e-mail.

The cancellation of an order paid for by French Carte Bleue, Visa or Mastercard must be requested by the Client via his personal account on the Website. To cancel an order paid for by any other means of payment, the Client must submit his request on the website accessible at the following address:

In the event of a cancellation of an order, the Ski Pass and, if applicable, any associated Insurance, are cancelled. The total price of the order is credited to the bank card used when placing the order. This credit is made within fifteen days following the receipt of the Client's request. As the refund is based on the price of the order in euros, any fluctuations in exchange rates between the date of the order and the date of the refund shall be borne by the Client. If the Client wishes to obtain a new Ski Pass, he must make a purchase in accordance with the modalities stated in the Terms and Conditions of Sale. He may use the same magnetic card as the one on which the cancelled Ski Pass was encoded.


The Client, the user of a Ski Pass, the person registered for an Activity or the person benefitting from Insurance may not benefit from any total or partial refund or exchange of this Ski Pass, this Activity or this Insurance, nor have their validity extended or deferred.

As an exception, the Client may obtain a refund or deferment of a Ski Pass or an Activity under the conditions stipulated in Article 11 and receive compensation in the cases detailed below.

No compensation shall be granted before the end of the period of validity of the Ski Pass or the end of the Activity. The compensation is paid within four months following the receipt of the Client's request and the receipt of the totality of the elements required to process this request.

No compensation shall be granted to the Client who has purchased a Ski Pass or ordered an Activity from any person or entity other than the STGM. In this case, the Client must contact the person or entity from whom he purchased the Ski Pass or ordered the Activity.

In the event of a refund of an order, as the refund is based on the price of the order in euros, any fluctuations in exchange rates between the date of the order and the date of the refund shall be borne by the Client.

12.1. Interruption of ski lift operations by decision of public authorities due to sanitary concerns

If for sanitary reasons the public authorities decide to close all the ski lifts operated by the STGM for one or several full days, the Client may request a refund of the Ski Pass that he purchased from the STGM or the Activity that he ordered from the STGM (on the condition that the Activity requires access to the ski lifts).

The amount refunded is calculated on a pro rata basis of the days of closure in application of the administrative decision during the period of validity of the Ski Pass or the Activity.

To obtain this compensation, the Client must send a request to the STGM using the address indicated in Article 19. This request must be accompanied by the Proof of Sale.

12.2. Interruption of ski lift operations for any reason other than by decision of public authorities due to sanitary concerns

The Client may obtain compensation if he has purchased a Ski Pass from the STGM valid for at least two consecutive days, except for a Ski Pass valid every day of the season, and if all the following conditions, depending on the period, are met for at least one day:

- During the winter:

  • The link connecting Tignes-Val d’Isère is closed.

  • At least two of the following ski lifts are closed: the Brévières gondola, the Tovière gondola, the Tichot chairlift and the Paquis chairlift (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Essential Ski Lifts").

  • The duration of the closure of the Tignes-Val d'Isère link and each Essential Ski Lift is longer than four consecutive hours.

    - During the summer, the “opening” period, the avant-première period and the last week of the winter period:

  • The ski lifts representing at least 75% of the moment of power (VTMH - Vertical Transport Metres per Hour) of all the ski lifts operated by the STGM are closed (the moment of power of each ski lift is displayed at the Points of Sale).

  • The duration of closure of each ski lift to which the Ski Pass gives access is longer than a cumulative total of four hours in the course of a single day.
    Based on the Client's choice, the compensation takes the form of:

    - Either the issue of a new Ski Pass: This is valid for a duration equal to the number of days during which the operation of the ski lifts and the Tignes-Val d'Isère link was interrupted under the conditions detailed above, during the period of validity of the initial Ski Pass. In the event of an interruption during the winter or the avant-première period, the new Ski Pass will come into effect as soon as the initial Ski Pass expires or as soon as the ski lifts resume operation, should this date be later than the expiration of the initial Ski Pass. In the event of an interruption during the summer or during the “opening” period, the new Ski Pass may be used at any time until the end of the summer or the “opening” period during which the ski lift operation was interrupted.

    - Or a refund of an amount equal to:

  • During the summer, the “opening” period, the avant-première period and the last week of the winter period, the daily value of the Ski Pass multiplied by the number of days of interruption of the operation of the ski lifts under the conditions detailed above during the period of validity of the Ski Pass.

  • During the winter, 40% of the daily value of the Ski Pass in the event of the closure of two Essential Ski Lifts under the conditions detailed above, 60% of this daily value in the event of the closure of three Essential Ski Lifts under the conditions detailed above, 100% of this daily value in the event of the closure of four Essential Ski Lifts under the conditions detailed above. The amount refunded is equal to the amount of the compensation defined for each day of closure during the period of validity of the Ski Pass.
    Regardless of the period, the daily value of the Ski Pass will correspond to the public rate for one day of the Ski Pass valid on the day of the interruption, for the area to which the Ski Pass provided access and for the age category of the holder of the Ski Pass (child, adult or senior). The daily value of the Ski Pass is indicated on the price list of the STGM. As an example, the amounts refunded for the winter 2024-2025 are as follows :

Ski passesPurchase price for an adultDaily value for an adult1 Day of Interruption of 4 Essential Ski Lifts and the Tignes-Val d’Isère link1 Day of Interruption of 3 Essential Ski Lifts and the Tignes-Val d’Isère link1 Day of Interruption of 2 Essential Ski Lifts and the Tignes-Val d’Isère link
2 days142,00 €71,00 €100 % = 71,00 €60 % = 43,00 €40 % = 28,50 €
6 = 7 days426,00 €71,00 €100 % = 71,00 €60 % = 43,00 €40 % = 28,50 €
12 = 14 days852,00 €71,00 €100 % = 71,00 €60 % = 43,00 €40 % = 28,50 €

- Or a credit voucher, whose amount is calculated according to the same methods as for a refund, defined according to the period (please see above). This credit is non-transferable and valid for one year from its date of issue.
In order to obtain this compensation, the Client must present the original Ski Pass and the corresponding Proof of Sale at a Point of Sale if he wishes to defer the validity of the Ski Pass. In all other cases, the Client must send a request to the STGM using the contact information indicated in Article 19. This request must be accompanied by the Proof of Sale.

12.3. Non-usage of a Ski Pass

If a Ski Pass purchased from the STGM has not been used for any reason other than those mentioned in Articles 12.1 and 12.2, the Client may obtain:

- The deferment of the Ski Pass, provided that this deferment does not lead to a variation in the price of the Ski Pass, or

- A refund of the Ski Pass.

A Ski Pass that has passed through the control point at least once is considered used and is therefore ineligible for a deferment or refund in application of this article.

In order to have the Ski Pass deferred, the Client must present the Ski Pass and the corresponding Proof of Sale at a Point of Sale. To obtain a refund of the Ski Pass, the Client must send a request to the STGM using the contact information indicated in Article 19. This request must be accompanied by the Proof of Sale.

12.4. Cancellation of an Activity by the STGM

If an Activity ordered by the Client from the STGM is cancelled, the Client may obtain a deferment of the Activity or a refund of his order.

To obtain a deferment of the Activity, the Client must present the Proof of Sale at a Point of Sale.

To obtain a refund of his order, the Client must send a request to the STGM using the contact information indicated in Article 19. This request must be accompanied by the Proof of Sale.


The Client does not benefit from the right of withdrawal provided for in the French Consumer Code in the case of a purchase of a Ski Pass or an access ticket to an Activity on the Website or on a Kiosk.

If the Client has subscribed to Insurance, he benefits from:

- The right of renunciation provided for in article L. 112-2-1, II, of the French Insurance Code, for a period of fourteen days from the date on which the insurance was subscribed to, if the insurance was subscribed to remotely and for purposes that do not fall within the scope of the Client's professional activity, if the duration of the insurance coverage is for at least one month and if the insurance contract has not been fully executed at the Client's express request.

- The right of renunciation provided for in article L. 112-10 of the French Insurance Code, for a period of thirty days from the date on which the Client subscribed to the insurance, if the insurance was subscribed to for purposes that do not fall within the scope of the Client's professional activity, and if the insurance contract has not been fully executed or if the Client has not invoked or implemented any guarantee.

The procedures for exercising these rights of renunciation and their consequences are detailed on the website:

The Client has a period of fourteen calendar days from the date of the order to renounce the payment facility provided for in Article 7.3, by sending his decision directly by e-mail to the following address:


It is the Client's responsibility to choose the Ski Pass, the Activity or the Insurance best suited to his needs and limitations. It is also incumbent upon him to immediately verify his purchase, in all cases, before using the Ski Pass and/or access ticket to an Activity.

Restrictions of access, related to, for example, the age or physical condition of the user, may apply to certain ski lifts and certain Activities. These restrictions can be found at the Points of Sale, on the Website and at the departure point of each ski lift.

The STGM shall not be held liable for any chosen Ski Pass, Activity or Insurance deemed unsuitable to the needs and limitations of the Client by the user of the Ski Pass, the person registered for the Activity or the person benefitting from the Insurance.

The STGM declines all responsibility in the event that the Client is unable to complete an order on the Website or at a Kiosk before a pre-determined date, for example, due to the inaccessibility or malfunctioning of the Website or the Kiosk, the inaccessibility or malfunctioning of the payment system, or the failure of the Client's bank to authorise payment.


The STGM reserves the right to refuse the sale of a Ski Pass to any Client if all the following conditions are met:

- The Client's behaviour (a state of drunkenness or suspected drunkenness, violent behaviour, etc.) presents a danger to himself, to other users of the ski lifts operated by the STGM, to the personnel of the STGM or to the latter's equipment.

- The Ski Pass is immediately usable.

- The Client wishes to use the Ski Pass himself.


The company of Compagnie des Alpes (RCS Paris 349 577 908) and the STGM, a subsidiary of this company, in their capacity as co-managers, implement the processing of personal data in connection with the sale of Ski Passes and access tickets to Activities.

This processing is described in the personal data protection policy available on the Website and at the Points of Sale.

The person whose data are processed has a right to access the data concerning himself, a right to rectify and to delete such data, a right to limit their processing and to object to such processing. The person may exercise these rights by contacting STGM at the address indicated in Article 19.


The Client may obtain a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Sale.

In addition, if the Client placed an order by electronic means, he may receive communication on the details of this order, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable on the date of this order, for a period of 5 years following this order if the amount is less than €120 including all taxes, 10 years if the amount is equal to or greater than €120 including all taxes.

To do so, the Client must send a request to the STGM using the contact information indicated in Article 19.


In the event of a purchase of a Ski Pass on the Website, the Client may obtain information on his order by sending an e-mail to the following address:


The Client may send any request or complaint relating to the processing of his personal data:

- By postal mail to the following address: STGM, Protection of Personal Data, 665 avenue de Grande Motte, Le Val Claret, 73320 Tignes, France, or

- By sending an e-mail to the following address:

The Client may obtain information concerning the FNCI (Fichier National des Chèques Irréguliers - National Irregular Cheque Register) and access the data concerning himself in the FNCI by contacting the Banque de France.

The Client may send any request or complaint concerning the payment in several instalments to the Alma company, by sending an e-mail to the following address:

The Client may send any other request or complaint within two months of the occurrence of the event resulting in the claim:

- Via the website:

- Or by postal mail to the following address: STGM, Client Services, 665 avenue de Grande Motte, Le Val Claret, 73320 Tignes Cedex, France.

If the complaint is due to the Ski Pass or access ticket to an Activity issued by the STGM not corresponding to the Client's order, the complaint must be submitted to the STGM before the first use of the ski pass or access ticket. If the complaint concerns another matter, it must be received by STGM within two months of the occurrence of the event that prompted the complaint.

If the Client wishes to use the Insurance that he has subscribed to, he must contact Carré Neige. The STGM is not authorised to deal with his request.


Should a dispute arise between the Client and the STGM relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of the Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Client may have recourse, free of charge, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute-resolution method.

He may have recourse to a mediation procedure:

- By contacting the Consumer Ombudsman of the AFEPAME, in accordance with the procedures specified on the website, in the event of a dispute concerning the payment in several instalments.

- For all other matters, by contacting the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman (MTV – Médiation Tourisme Voyage, Service dépôt des saisines, CS 30958, 75383 Paris cedex 08, France) – Telephone number: +33 (0)1 42 67 96 68 - E-mail: in accordance with the procedures defined on the website and within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint addressed to the STGM.

He may also have recourse to the online dispute resolution platform established by the European Commission, accessible at the website

In the absence of an amicable settlement, the Client may bring the matter either before one of the courts having territorial jurisdiction under the French Code of Civil Procedure, or before the court of the place of his residence at the time the contract was concluded or when the injurious event occurred.


The Terms and Conditions of Sale shall enter into force on 6 February 2025.


The STGM reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time.


Should there arise any contradiction between the Terms and Conditions of Sale in French and the Terms and Conditions of Sale in another language, the Terms and Conditions of Sale in French shall prevail.


The Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law.